Well we had a great Halloween at the campground visiting our niece and nephew....all the kids where dressed in costume and the place was a frenzy with trick or treaters. The campground owner is very organized and sent out groups of kids in intervals with chaperons. It was great fun to see them come and seek out a sweet treat. We decorated as just about everyone did...what a wonderful time for families...kudos to a campground facility that respects and honors a good time for families in an organized safe environment.

A sign pointing the way our campsite.

Trick or treaters of all ages received something for their candy collection!

All sorts of characters turned out!

How cute is this little bumble bee!!!!!

These cuties dressed up as gold diggers....now that is a blast from the past....

"Dorothy" made an appearance....we never did see the Great Oz....

Our nephew Randy came as a fireman...you can count on Randy to always save the day!

Another group of trick or treaters making their way around the campground.

Some of our decorations....

Kids looking for a sweet treat....

Everyone received a treat...no tricks or pranks were pulled this day...

Gruesome props...

Even the fortune teller made an appearance....

Care for an apple my darling??????

Junior campground staff making the rounds in their decorated golf cart....

Two cuties returning in after a hard afternoon of trick or treating...our nieces Natalie "Scooby Doo" and Emily "Dora the Explorer" had a great time....

Our huge cauldron of candy....

Spooky decorations.....

Family relaxing at the campsite...it doesn't get better than this ...a nice campfire going, coffee brewing and the kids off somewhere getting lots of candy....

My husband dressed as a hippie....tye dye lives on!!!!! It's the afro that makes me want to roll on the floor laughing....he is a good sport...
We handed out a lot of candy...saw some fabulous costumes and had a lot of good laughs....all in all it was a great day...