Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Uncle Seth

I posted the link below on my blog almost two years ago...never having a clue that our worlds would turn upside down, inside out and never be the same again.  I try never to ask why things happen...it really makes no sense...life is life...with all its good and bad...

I have had some awful things happen just as most have but I must acknowledge I have had some great things as well...

My husband Bob and I had a love affair that many simply dream of...and I am grateful for him and the wonderful life he gave me...I was loved but even more important he let me love him...WOW...lucky me!!!!!

But for the life of me...I have yet to come to gripes with why Seth had such a short life.  Why he didn't get to have the things I always hoped he would have...I realize it was never meant to be...it was "the plan"...yet I continue to and always will grieve his loss...

As I was looking through things...I came across the post below and it makes me sad that Merric will never know his Uncle Seth...but this I do know...it is a responsibility for all of us to make sure we talk about Seth and fill Merric in on his uncle.


Click here