We are now getting our day cabin ready for the summer. We have a little island on the pond across from the big house. This little cabin is the place we enjoy most in the summer. There is a narrow dirt "bridge" or causeway someone created many years ago so we can access the island without boating over. We can't imagine a better place to vacation in the world in the summer. Lightning hit a 60 foot tree two years ago and nearly destroyed the original cabin so we had to rebuild and remodel...the pots out front now hold clematis that hopefully will climb the trellis...just planted this year so will take a couple of years to mature and really look nice.

This is a
faux bois (french for false wood) planter by the waters edge awaiting a planting of ferns or some shade plants.

whimsical sign by the dock that leads to the water.

This is a beautiful place to sit by the pond. We have several of these benches that were made by a local artisan. They are sturdy and comfortable and simply gorgeous to look at.

This is our little cove. It is a protected place to swim in the summer. It is off the main portion of the pond that is often busy with power boats and jet skis.

A view of the main pond.

Dock leading to our "swimming hole". Notice the wooden duck pointing the way to the water!

A quiet spot to sit in an old vintage
Adirondack chair we bought at a yard sale in Connecticut years ago. The tree behind is another victim of a lightning strike almost eleven years ago...it is slowly rotting away but has become home to many birds and it is full of bugs that the birds eat all summer long.

A squirrel pot hanger ready and waiting for a basket full of flowers...the pots are still in the greenhouse but will be transported soon to their summer "home".

We do have electric on the island but no "city" water...we have a water pump and old septic system we have kept maintained from when a house was on the island many many years ago. So water is available but using it is a bit primitive. Inside the outhouse is an actual flush toilet so roughing it is not as bad as it could be!

My husband found this sign at a local auction (it came from the old Quonset Naval Air Station in North Kingstown) and thought it was appropriate for the inside of the outhouse...suffice it to say it has made many snicker upon entering!

Getting ready to "launch the paddle boat into the cove.
Everyone is off for the first paddle boat ride of the season. We all attended the Memorial Day parade in Wickford and returned to the island for a steak fry. The weather was beautiful...it was a great day.
Our little island is a wonderful place to summer. We actually use it year round but mostly in the warm weather months. This little plaque sums it up nicely.

We are truly blessed to have this spot to live...we never grow tired of living here and we try never to take it for granted. We love sharing it with family and friends.
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