Nothing says summer like heat loving flowers like zinnias and seems the sunnier it gets the more these dazzlers perform. They just need to be deadheaded on occasion and watered sparingly. With this little bit of TLC they seem to respond with more
delightful color and eye appeal.

Look at this beautiful is simply gorgeous!

More dahlias and zinnias...this photo spells summer to me!

I could stand in this spot all day long admiring the
brilliant colors of these flowers. I love the stalks and leaves of shiny and strong. The petals on zinnias are so cool to look at and the colors are so vivid...there are no crayons in the box that can come close to the variety of colors zinnias display.

Hope your summer is going well...pick a bouquet of zinnias or dahlias and see how happy it will make you...or visit a local farm stand or farmers market and grab a big will put a smile on your face and a bounce in your step to be sure!
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