Paperwhites are such an easy pleasure to grow for Christmas and all through the winter for a nice touch to any indoor winter garden....just pop the bulbs into soil or water and they will produce a gorgeous display with little effort. I plant them in water on top of glass "stones" in various containers. I love to put about 12 in this antique pressed glass fishbowl. This year I water them with a 10:1 ratio of water to whiskey or rum to stunt their growth. Paperwhites tend to stretch and need stalking after a bit....using this ratio did indeed keep the stretching at bay and prevented the toppling over that happens once the plants mature.

Paperwhites in our front window facing the pond....this window is also ideal for African violets...the violets continuously bloom in this light exposure.

This antique fishbowl makes the perfect container for paperwhites...

This is a wonderful wintergreen bush...this low grower will be planted on the island once spring rolls in...till then it will grace my little indoor winter garden....
Just a few plants in a window graced with easy to grow paperwhites is a delight to look at everyday...give them a try sometime...they are truly a gift...
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