Our garden is so pretty in the winter...the fencing, bushes, benches, outbuildings and other structures provide a place for snow and ice to gather. This gives such wonderful eye appeal to what one may think would be a boring spot in the cold winter months....but....winter and snow offers spectacular gifts for all our senses!

Above is a little double birdhouse topped with a blanket of snow on our antique wrought iron fence.

Another view of the snow covered fence flanked by small boxwoods at the entrance...two blueberry bushes add more eye appeal.

The snow settles in the nooks and crannies of this lattice privacy fence.

The snow covered raised garden beds offer an interesting look....

The antique cast iron bench flanked by the old cement urns look beautiful covered in snow...the urns are filled with two small boxwoods...

The lilac bush in the corner of the garden is minus flower and foliage but is still has beautiful structure...

A nice wide view of the upper garden...this raised bed garden was created with a formal parterre look...it is planted with some formality but it does have a bit of a cottage look in the summer and it also offer us a potager garden as we plant vegetables and herbs to provide a quick trip out of the kitchen for fresh ingredients needed for lunch or supper!!!!!

These eastern white pines look so majestic and the snow only adds more beauty to these towering evergreens...

A pretty look at the other end of the garden...the greenhouse looks great in the snow...

The fountain is covered in the winter actually provides nice form in the winter garden...the stone wall and lattice panels are gorgeous...

I love the roof of the gazebo when it is snow covered...

This snow capped garden man has a stoic look...his profile is very stern looking...

Looking up the snow covered stairs to the deck...

The buds of this rhododendron look ready to pop...these buds are formed in the autumn and must endue whatever winter has to deliver...i always find it interesting how most plant stock had down turned leaves in cold weather, almost as they are protecting the stem of the plant where the bud meets the stem...I have noticed this in annuals as well as perennials and it is clear to see on this rhody...

Looking down the steps from the deck after I removed the snow...much easier to navigate now!
Winter in the garden is a gift for the eye...take a moment to take in a winter landscape, you will be pleasantly surprised for sure!