Well the paperwhites did their thing and this morning I had to change my little space I like to have adorned with a few things green and colorful...as the paperwhites are forced in water the bulbs cannot be salvaged. The bulbs are affordable so it really poses not problem for a nice display during the holidays...about the cost of a bouquet but with a much longer life...nice treat. So I moved a few things around and added an ivy and a couple of new African violets....this little spots just makes me smile....

The wintergreen is placed directly in the sun as it does well there. I like to "sprinkle" a few vintage items amongst the flower pots...little birds, turtles, a couple of my old hyacinth vases (we have a huge collection of these) and even an old lightning rod spike....

I have old pieces of coral in the copper plant stand with another violet as well....an eclectic mix that works for me!!!!!

Add a little bit of greenery to your indoor space...it will make you smile for sure!!!!!
Have you made your trip to Maine yet? We are due to get very COLD weather.
I am busy quilting.
I am adjusting to my life as it is now. I am busy with my church women and have good friends and family. I will be 80 this year.
My nephew sent me a gardenia plant and it is blooming.
Hi Alice, We are planning a hree day trip in the next couple of weeks...my sister is a college professor and had to wait to see what her schedule was...she just got it so now we can plan...Gardenias mean a great deal to me....when my 26 year old nephew was a little guy he would get all fired up and call people "boney or fish head". in his real "mad at you" voice..he thought this was really something...so I told him calling me "precious gardenia" was really "bad" and to never call me that...well of course when he would get wound up...he would look me in the eye, puff up his chest and in his meanest voice growl at me and say "You, you, precious gardenia"...he never knew till many years later that I had gotten the best of him!!!!! On his wedding day almost two years ago, as he went to stand at the front of the church to wait for his bride...he came to me with a clear corsage box that held the biggest most beautiful gardenia I had ever seen...he bent over kissed me and handed it to...I wore it proudly all day...I later dried it and have stored it away as a memento...So it would seem our nephews share a common gardenia "thing"...I hope your gardenia blooms profusely and the fragrance fills your home....Beth
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