It is nice to see the garden waking up....for the past couple of weeks green foliage is peeking out and reaching for the sun.

Beautiful camassia emerging...I planted many more of these early spring bulbs last fall...they are a treat to see about the garden.

A huge clump of catmint is greening up...

This is a 15 year old clump of chives...I have moved them from one house to another and gifted many divisions away over the years..these chives just keep on giving!

No sign of a new peony I planted in the fall...still to early

A golden sage is ready for some picking...pork chops anyone?

Thyme getting ready to give a big boost of growth

Alpine strawberries coming to life...these are mainly planted for the chipmunks. The chippys sit on their bottoms and hold these little ruby gems in their front paws and eat cute to see.

While this tender perennial curly leaf parsley is treated as an annual here in New England...I always leave it on place in the autumn during clean up in hopes of it returning...and sure enough I spotted some new growth.

Spearmint is emerging as well...I don't plant the mint in the garden proper as it spreads like I keep it in a large pot sunk into the garden soil...this way I can can control this plant rather than it control me!

Peppermint is also slowly awakening after a winter nap in it's own pot.
All is looking well...and I am looking forward to a very healthy garden after all the snow we had this past winter....after all it has been said - snow is "poor man's fertilizer".
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