The garlic is superb...I dug and harvested the garlic a few of weeks ago. It lifted out of the soil with ease and it was so much fun to see what had been hidden away since last fall. The air filled with the fragrance of was delightful. Look at this bounty!!!!!

Such wonderful garlic.........

I harvested about 300 bulbs. I took armloads to the gazebo and tied bunches together by variety. Then off to the shed to dry/cure...of course I had to take some to the house to use immediately...SIMPLY DELICIOUS

Well the garlic is now ready to clean...I cut off the leaves and rubbed the dirt covered outer paper like skin off to reveal the most wonderful bulbs....I placed each variety out just to admire it before taking some to bag up as gifts....Below you will see all the varieties in all their splendor...I tag each one with the name of the variety and also just a little description so the recipient knows what they are in for....enjoy the photos!!!!!
Nothing like homegrown if the tomatoes would just ripen!!!!!
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