This is a wonderful blueberry cake for anytime of the year and any occasion. I was given this recipe many many years ago by a friend. Elaine stopped by the house with this cake wrapped beautifully wrapped with an envelope attached with the recipe. What a wonderful gift. We loved the cake but sharing the recipe was something I will always cherish. I have made it for family gatherings, sent it with my husband to his club meetings, given it as gifts, always made it for an annual steak fry we have attended and I have even been asked to make it as a birthday cake by a friend for her husband. This fellow is now suffering from a memory loss illness. I decided to make it recently and stopped by their home as a surprise with it. When I went into their home he really did not recognize me but when I said had his favorite blueberry cake he lit up like a Christmas tree and talked about this cake for some time. I later received a wonderful thank you note letting me know as soon as I left, a pot of coffee was made and he ate three pieces of cake! Boy am I glad I made that cake and delivered it that day...

This is the original hand written recipe and envelope that was with the cake Elaine dropped off back in the 1980' has yellowed over time is totally covered with butter fat and sugar. I love to touch it and think about all the times I have made it. I also always think about how generous Elaine was to share it with me.

I like to gather all my ingredients before starting as there are a few steps but once organized things go quickly and smoothly. To start sugar, butter, lemon zest and vanilla are creamed together till light and fluffy. This insures a light batter.

Next sour cream and eggs are added. This adds more fat for flavor and tenderness. This is no time to use low or no fat. If you are going to invest the time and funds to make a cake use ingredients that insure the best flavor and texture.

Dry ingredients follow...flour and the leavening products - baking soda and baking powder.

This is a dense batter so do not be surprised by the weight. Grease and flour a tube pan and add 1/3 of the batter...ingredients are layers to insure flavors are in every bite!

Next a layer of blueberries that were tossed with sugar and walnuts. Now another 1/3 of the batter is spread to make another layer.

Then the other half of the blueberry filling and them the last third of batter is spread.

Top the cake with a sugar cinnamon mixture and bake in a 350 degree oven.

Viola!!!!! A wonderful blueberry cake. This cake freezes well. I always freeze loads of blueberries in the summer when they are plentiful...this insures me I have the most important part of this cake available to me in the deep of winter.

Okay I must admit...I never just make one cake. I always make has proven over the years to never be enough...
Time to put the coffee on and toast Elaine as "her" cake is sliced!
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