Okay...who uses a phone book any more? I look numbers up on google, check my contacts list on my mac or iPad or the number is already in my contacts list on my cell phone and/or in my contacts list on my uConnect in my car...even voice activated. Yet I have devoted a whole drawer in my kitchen to phone books...both commercial and private. Be they books like a Hallmark phone book for addresses and numbers or books sent that list info to club members of groups we belong to. Yet I have a drawer full of books I have not looked at but is full simply because that is the "telephone book" drawer and that is it...well not anymore...telephone books to the recycling bin and now I have a spice and herb drawer which is fabulous. Just common sense but we get into these habits and for some unknown reason and get stuck...guess because it is comfortable and we have no need to change...Well I have the need to change...so sick and tired of searching for a certain spice or herb and having to a times empty the closet looking for a rarely used item way in the back. I decant all my herbs and spices and put them in little tins with window covers and then use a P Touch to label them with content and any pertinent info if need be...like how much is needed to add to a cup of flour etc. when making a pizza dough etc. Now I have easy access and life is wonderful in the spice and herb department as well as the extract and flavoring department of my kitchen.
A common sense solution to an easy and fixable problem and a just a nicer way to work in my kitchen...
Okay I must admit I still have to organize the tins alphabetically...but so far I am thrilled with the results.
Am I the only one in the world that after straightening out a drawer or cupboard keeps going back, opening the door or drawer and admiring the wonder of it all?
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