Finally we are picking tomatoes...not many but those we get are sweet, sweet, sweet...Also picking cucumbers...the cukes are odd shaped and not long but do taste soooooo good...

Lots of cherry tomatoes in different colors and few San Marzano...

Made a delicious panzanella salad...yellow, orange, and red peppers, red onion, tomatoes, chunks of crusty ciabatta bread, feta and a lovely vinaigrette with homegrown garlic...served it on a bed chopped lettuce for an added crunch...sometimes I add kalamata olives also....this is a great summer the olive oil and vinegar soaking into the bread...

Also made a huge jug of cucumbers soaked in vinegar, salt and pepper. My sister Whitney adores these cukes...use about 1/3rd apple cider vinegar to 2/3 water mixture with lots of salt and a bit of fresh ground pepper...just thinking about these makes my mouth water...

One big jug of flavor.....
Gotta go...I need to raid the cucumber jar...YUM
Beth your tomatoes look sooo good. Alice
Hi Alice, Nice to hear from you. Hope all is well...Phew is it hot!!!!! I "report" to the pond every day at 2PM for a swim and I float till about 4:30-5PM and then have supper...I look forward to the cool pond water today!!!!! We are picking some tomatoes but the wet spring and early summer has really taken an adverse effect on the crop...but...we will take what we get and be really happy!!!!! Summer in Maine must be lovely...hope you are getting out and enjoying some sights. It is always nice to hear from you...With Warm Regards, Beth
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