The Farmer's Daughter Garden Center in South Kingstown, RI on Route 138 is what one would call a destination garden and nursery center. To visit their website
click here The photos I took today just scratch the surface of what they have to offer. All the buildings are post and beam and from what I was told they were built by Amish builders from Pennsylvania. Each greenhouse is wood faced and painted to blend with the outbuildings. Each building and greenhouse has a designated purpose be it a shade house, gift building, succulent house, and the beat goes on. There are plantings and theme oriented groupings of pottery, outdoor furniture, trough planters, lighting, herbs, shade plants, perennials, annuals, roses, vegetables and so forth. The main building is where you check out and has wooden gutters and rain barrels. All the walkways are paved or landscaped so it is hard and even. The whole center is well thought out and each time you visit there is something new. It is a true pleasure to shop and meander about dreaming about a plant or a pot one may want to fill.

This is a little shed with a crescent moon cutout in the door. Look closer at the roof!

The roof is alive...with living wonderful!

A closer look...

One of the buildings...wonderful form

Each area is designated with a certain theme...signage is clear, plain and simple

A lovely filled planter

The perennial area is easy to shop...the ground is even when pulling your wagon and is organized alphabetically....there is plenty of help to answer questions...

A lovely view...

The shade is surrounded on two sides by
privet hedging...

Small cutouts in the hedge allow for breezes to pass through as well as a window to the cutting gardens and display gardens as well...

I love this area...
It is very interesting and the eye appeal is gorgeous...the shapes and colors are so cool...

A nice planting around a
specimen birch...

One of my favorite areas way in the back...

shrubbery is displayed amongst tall pruned pines in rows like tall is a spot I could stay in for a very long time...the other areas were getting hot today but this area was cool and breezy...I feel trees always attract wind and breeze and this area did not prove me wrong! It is an incredible place to experience...worth the walk to the far end of the public property...

A new herb garden planted this they say about perennials...first year sleep, second year creep and third year leap...I am looking forward to see this herb garden mature over the next couple of years...knowing the folks at the Farmer's will be delightful!!!!!
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