I have always kept a record of my gardens. I find it soothing to come into the house after working outside to write just a little something about what I planted, where I put it, what is currently starting to pop up, show color and what did not return after a cold winter. I like to know how certain varieties respond in my garden and what varieties simply do not thrive. Why waste space with something that just won't grow...I have tried to plant Oriental Poppies several times but they just won't come back nor grow once in the ground. So phooey on them...they shall live in someone else's garden without me. I like to mark rows in the garden and then repeat the information in my diary...I love to read back my entries during the winter...it refreshes my memory and peaks my desire for winter to end soon...so I can try something new and relish the return of my beloved peonies, iris and lilies. Record keeping needn't be lengthy...just a few notes to remind oneself of things to come or what has already happened in the garden...

I use a photograph album to save all my perennial tags...this way I know what varieties I have...
I also write in a diary what I planted and how things are going...the weather and other info I feel is necessary for me to keep my gardens in shape...My diary is cloth covered with embroidered flowers, bugs and butterflies...picked it up at
Barnes and Nobles and wished now I had picked up a couple more as this current one is almost full.

This is a page in the album that holds the tags from some of our peonies...If I have a photo or catalog info I try to include that also...

Another page in the album...all our peonies are from
White Flower Farm in Connecticut.

More tags....

A page in my diary....

A diagram of my garlic bed in 2008...I rotate my beds and try different varieties every year. I plan to leave my diaries and albums with our house when we leave here someday...I hope the new owners will continue the tradition....

Tags for the album as well as seed packets from zinnias and radishes I planted...I will record the varieties and where they are. I also planted some more herbs today so that info will be noted. I will certainly take a minute to note that my first Siberian Iris has bloomed, the ground phlox is fading, some of the peonies and iris are showing color and the dahlias that I planted about a month ago are sprouting...the blueberries are loaded with flowers, the clematis has covered the arbors, the
hosta is huge this year...and the beat goes on...

For me the above quote says it all ....
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