A friend and I were just talking last week about fishing. I mentioned how I wished I would see someone fly fishing on the pond. There is always lots of fishing going on by land and in boats but there is something truly beautiful about fly fishing.
I like everything about it...the clothes, the gadgets, the rod, the line, the flies...everything! I took a class with my Dad and niece a few years ago and learned so much. I am particularly fond of tying flies, so Dad gave me a class in tying for my birthday which was fantastic. I don't care about the fishing part as touching them is a bit disgusting to me...I'll get my fish at Gardner's Wharf in Wickford thank you...but those beautiful flies mesmerize me and the like the whole fly fishing outfit as well...the fashion side of this sport is also mystical to me.
So I was heading out the door yesterday to do some errands and WHOAAAA...I look over to the island and there standing in the water is this fellow dressed head to toe in a complete fly fishing outfit...rod in the upright position, fishing line whipping in zig zags above his head and a white fly soaring in the air! A fly fisherman on the pond...finally! I scoot back in the house and grab my camera...this is too good to be true.
I walk over to the peninsula and ask if he minds I take a few pictures...he graciously says yes and I start snapping. We had a lovely conversation and I learned his name is Steve.
So enjoy the photos of Steve below...
I had spotted this small wooden box on the shore...I assumed it was flies but wanted to remain polite so I didn't probe...but then Steve offered me the opportunity to look inside...Hallelujah!
Just as I was getting ready to leave...the water becomes a bit turbulent and oh la la, Steve has a bite! Now my day is made!
I am so thankful I stepped out my door and saw Steve today...I met a very nice person who was generous with his time...hope he comes back again...this time I'll just watch from afar...fly fishing is really so nice to just watch...relaxing and a thing of beauty.
Thanks Steve for bringing elegance to the pond.
Thank you for the lovely story you did about my son.
Your welcome! It was my pleasure to write about not only a wonderful day but also such a nice fellow. Thank you for writing. Beth
Beth thank you. great words on a great topic. Also if your interested in following some of our fishing, Ive recently made a youtube channel @ www.youtube.com/kingsofspring . Has some great underwater shots.
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