Monday, August 11, 2014

Thirty One Years Ago Today Seth T. Machak Was Born

Thirty one years ago today Seth was born...I was working as a charge nurse and had long hair...I had it pulled back and wore it in a ponytail with a blue ribbon just as I did when Caleb was born and Jimmy...and when the girls were born of course the color of choice was pink.  Thinking back about this little thing I did and not really making a big deal out of it...I so hope that ribbon I wore August 11, 1983 was sort of a crazy blue and really big and stood out...cause it was for Seth and as we all know now...he deserved a wild and crazy ribbon the day he entered this world.

Seth is not here for any of us to celebrate this day...thirty one years ago that day was planned as was February 23, 2013 the day he died.

How does one even come close to understanding don't, you can' just is the only thing you can do.

What would Seth and I do to celebrate if he were would definitely involve food, his convertible and a lot of fun...I drive his car as much as I can now and almost always with the top down...been some cold days driving around but I do it for Seth...I do it always thinking of him...when I start it I always whisper..."Here we go Seth"...

I miss him...I just miss him...

As I always said to him...Seth, I loved you before you were born....and now I say the unimaginable,  I love you still after you have is an undying love.

I love you Seth T. Machak!
Aunt Beth