Monday, October 13, 2008

Fall Colors

Yesterday my husband took a walk around our property...he took loads of pictures. The colors around the pond are absolutely breath taking. Leaves are falling so walking is a shuffle through piles of leaves and the crunch is something you only hear in the fall.

This is a shot of the peninsula and the bench we keep over there. There are cranberries over behind the bench which we hand pick. Loads of princess pine covers the ground as well. We have flags hung along the road on the trees.

This is a gorgeous down the pond sight. These two trees are a glorious red.

Looks like this bird ignored the sign we have posted.

This is a great shot across the cove to our day cabin on our little island.

A couple of pictures of our peninsula from different angles.

A nice view down the pond from our island.

The road leading home...year round house on the right and the pond, island, and day cabin on the left...

A great old rock with moss growing in the cracks.

A quiet look at the pond.

A curve in the road with loads of ferns on the shoulders.

The sky's reflection made the leaves colors even more brilliant.

We call these the wedding trees. This is where we got married. We stood between these trees with our family and friends around and made our vows. Later we had a clambake and a live country western was a great day. Kids swam and rowed the boats around....everyone dressed fuss...

Simply beautiful!

The dock to the cove.

Path at the far end of the island that leads to the wedding trees....

An old fish sign we found and hung on the day cabin...the name of our island is The Isle of Capri hence the sign that hangs under the fish....

Fallen leaves and a wonderful reflection....

A quiet spot to sit on the island....

Old cement steps to the cove and another spot to sit and contemplate life.....

Resident elf...this guy watches over things from a high spot on the island...

We are so fortunate to live in New England...the changing seasons provide us with so many beautiful things to see and experience each and every day....


1 comment:

Alice Goldsmith said...

I love the pictures of those beautiful trees. We are at peak color here in Maine. Soon the leaves will fall. Right now some of the leaves have fallen off the maple in the backyard. I do have colorful maples in the front of my old house.
This morning the sun was shinning on the leaves and it was beautiful. Fall in New England at its best. Alice