Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tuscan Herbs - Delightful

One of my favorite blogs to read is A Cook With A View...

I met Joseph at Williams-Sonoma one day and have been enamored since then. He is so knowledgeable and is so willing to share his wealth of knowledge always tempered with a wonderful sense of humor. Joseph also gives classes which I have yet to take but they all tempt me...he cooks in season using ingredients he finds at local shops and farmers markets. What a wonderful way to approach each season.

I was looking out my kitchen window and wondering what I was going to do with all my herbs since the cold weather is just around the corner. With the threat of a frost last week I gathered up all my basil and made another batch of pesto. I happened to be looking at Joseph's blog and decided to make his Tuscan Herb blend...since all the herbs are in my garden, my garlic is cured. and I have plenty of salt in the house...I had all that was needed to make this this recipe.

I gathered and washed the rosemary, parsley, sage and thyme. I did this in the evening so I stored most in a damp paper towel in the fridge...the sage I kept in water.

My mise en place...

The work for chopping till fine takes 20 minutes...and as Joseph says REALLY!
This is the start

5 minutes in...

10 minutes in...

15 minutes in...

After 20 minutes and one sore right arm...the blend is placed on a parchment covered rimmed baking sheet to dry...once dried I place in my tin container for storage. Since I doubled the recipe I had plenty to gift as well.

My first meal with the Tuscan Herbs...a whole roasted chicken served over polenta with gravy and topped with baked to a crisp oyster mushrooms...

The recipe off my iPad (just click on the photo to enlarge)...or visit the A Cook With A View blog...

While this blend is drying your whole house will be perfumed with the most delightful aroma!
I made a buffalo meatloaf this past weekend and used just a couple of pinches of this herb mix and WOW what a difference.




A Cook With A View said...

Elizabeth, you are too kind. Thank you. And I'm glad you enjoyed the herb recipe.

Elizabeth said...

Hi Joseph, What a fabulous blend...I so love having this recipe! Thank you for sharing...Elizabeth